The best way to increase profits from your site is to have the web consumer to not only be interested in your site by looking for more details. This is when the search on your site will increase your profits. The best way to maximize this is with a first glance recognition technique. This technique will have your customers wanting and looking for more. By providing an instance recognition that your customers brain recognizes as “yes this is the right place to be and look” you have won half the battle.
hello 88 I created the footer and page slices in a similar fashion and renamed them as kubrickfooter.jpg and kubrickbgwide.jpg, respectively. Kubrickfooter.jpg is 760px X 63px and kubrickbgwide is 760px X 40px.
First we need to get the data, which would help in ftp transfer. For this please open the website hosting control panel, by entering the username and password.
If you’re going to use WordPress for your business website, be prepared to spend some time (about a day or two) learning it. You can be up and running within a day. You’ll need hosting and then you simply install WordPress.
hello88 bar You can use existing free and premium WordPress themes available on the market. Many of these themes would be perfect fits for local businessmen. You might need to do some customization, but it is not required. Thesis is the WordPress theme to buy and use. It’s fully customizable and easy to use.
hello8 vina Option one is that you don’t have a theme in mind yet and want to search for one. In this case you will select the options you are looking for and click Search. Once you have the results up on screen you can scroll through until you find one that you like and want to use. At this point it is only a matter of previewing the theme to make sure it is what you are looking for and if it is, then you can click Install and let WordPress do its magic.
Why did I start looking into, and finally buying premium WordPress themes? Because in the end I favored the uncomplicated modification, polished style, and the support forums.